Wednesday, November 24, 2010


persahabatan antara aku dan kau..
berakhir disini..
berakhir kerana seorng perempuan..
aku sedih bile tringt lek memory kite berkawan selame nie..

x aku jangka..
persahabatan kite selame 3thun..
berakhir disini..
lps nie..
xxde lagi tmpt tok aku berkongsi masalh..
xde lagi tmpt tok aku tompng menangis..
xde lagi tmpt tok aku bergelak ketawa...
sume nye pergi secara tibe2..

x aku jangka persahabatan kite berakhir..
hanya kerana die..
aku terpakse undurkan diri aku..
aku xsnggup diperkate bukan2 lagi..
ckup la setakat yng aku snggup dengar..
aku xckup kuat tok dengar buat kali kedua..

kepada kamo..
mngkin kamo gmbire dgn ape yng terjadi..
pemutusan persahabatan antara aku dan die..
lpas nie..
xde lagi org yng akn kamo panggil perosk hubungn kamo..
tiade lagi gnggu tok kamo..
sudah aku putus kan hubungn aku dengan die..

walaupon aku sdh putuskan hubungn sahabat antara aku dan die..
aku minta cuma satu dri kamo..
jage la shabat sya tu dgn sepenuh aty kamo...
jgn kamo skiti haty die lgi..
ckup la sekli aku pnh sakiti die..
wlaupon kdg2 die mnykitkn aty..
tp itu cara die tnjuk syngnye..
die ckp baek..
amt bertuah kamo punye die..
kamo jage la dia sepenuh haty kamo..
syngi die sepenuh haty kamo..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

14thun berlalu

14thun bkan suatu jangka mase yng pendek..

klu di ikotkan..
aku punye 2 org adek..
tp adek ku yng petama lbh disyangi Nya..
die pergi mninggalkan aku dan keluarge 14 thun yng lalu..

klu dlu..
aku xmngerti sbb pemergiannye..
tp skunk..
aku ckup mahir tntg itu..
aku dpat rse ape yng akan di deritai klu die teruskan idopnye..

adek ku SITI HAWA..
walaupon jangka hayatmu didunia
tp dirimu mg lain dri yng alin..
kamo canteq sgt2..
aku blh trbyng kan lagi rupenye mase tu..
wlaupon aku hnye brumur 6thun ketika tu..

xpe la adek..
wlaupon kamo jauh dri kami..
tp we still remember u always..

AL-FATIHAH buatmu adek ku..

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I want to say I love you
But you wouldn’t understand me
I fear rejection
Although I try to appear tough
I’m a fragile soul
Love me, hold me, miss me
Please I’m begging you don’t hurt me
All I want is to be loved and love

Life is very simple
I don’t want to argue
I hate yelling
Stop bringing me down
Why can’t we all get along like we used to
Am I doing something wrong

When I’m with you I’m in ecstasy
We don’t even have to do anything and I’m the happiest girl in the world
I just know everything is going to be alright
Your embrace takes away all my problems and pain
You bring me hope
You bring me life

When I first saw you I have to admit nothing really moved inside of me
I didn’t know you, you were foreign and I even thought you were shy
I was excited, maybe a new friend
As I got to know you I knew you were someone special
You were more than i imagined
You had a tender loving side that I grew to adore
I grew to love your dorky but unforgettably cute smile
The clean fresh soapy smell of your skin
Your touchable soft smooth kissable cheeks
Your protective embrace and your loving compliments
i never thought i'd be with someone like you.

Our first dates I will never forget
Without even trying the true me came out
No guy has ever done that so fast
It was an indescribably feeling of bliss
For so long you don’t know how much I just wanted to be loved
How much I wanted to feel the warmth of someone’s embrace
How much I wanted to be on someone’s mind
Someone to call me love and dear
till the day i met you, i knew you're the perfect guy
You gave me that and I will never forget it

You are the first guy I was totally comfortable around
The first guy who i can share everything with
The first guy I really truly love
The first guy that took away my fears
The first guy that gave me hope for a brighter future

You rescued me in a time when I needed rescuing

I never thought I’d be the jealous selfish type
but indeed i am as u know me
I will give you your space, time by yourself.
till you need me, i'll be waiting for you
But don’t forget me. I need lots of attention. Especially by you
I've been missing u badly
All I need is you and only you
I just want your love, no one else's

and yes, i love you as much as i always do.

love is chinta

Kadang2 kita tak hargai cinta,knape?sebab kita belum merasai kehilangan dia..

Kadang2 kita rasai cinta dia, tp masih tak percaya..kenape?sebab..terlalu fikir negatif tentang dia..

Kadang2 kita tak sedar hati kita betul2 menyintai dia..


sebab..kita tunjuk ego tak nak mengalah..tapi bila tangan yg selalu kita genggam berada di genggaman orang lain..ape perasaan masa itu?
hargailah orang yang berkorban untuk cinta kita,,

jangan terus menanti cinta yang telah pergi..


You cheated once

And I let it go

You cheated twice

And I forgave you

I forgave you

But it's been difficult to forget

I moved on

But I still think about it

You cheated on me again

And I let it go

Then you cheated another time

And now I'm completely broken

I was hurt the first time

And the second

But when it started to occur more

I've been falling to the floor

How can I trust you

After what you did to me?

How can I move on

When there's nothing left of me?

You're a cheater

And you'll never change

I've always been a believer

But now my pain is turning me into ashes. 

it is me..

this is me,

this is the way i want to be.

there's nothing else i can say.

i appreciate every little thing that you do.

i never regret to know you,

maybe times will change everything.

i can't be someone who calm everyone's heart.

i am not perfect but i learn .

i never take any serious what you have been,

because i know, you have a second chance .

day and night,

will proves everything.

before i sleep, i pray.

i pray that there's no other place i can stay,


i pray, when i wake up i breath free .

i wonder why a good people get a bad punishment,

while , a bad will get a good.

and why and why.

i am a person ; straight and moron.

maybe, i might not be that pretty but i'm happy.

i am not a girl who can enjoy her life day and night.

i'm not rich , i don't have a big house with a big family,

a big car and a big purse with a millions of money.

i am not, but i'm happy .

i only have a warm heart and a smile that can share to everyone .

this words only a warm heart will know .


aku syng ko..

aku syng kt ko..
tlg la jge diri ko lek lok..
ko la temn baek aku skunk...
aku sedih gle tgk ko skit cmnie..

aku serba slh sgt ngn ko..
sbb ko xcndnt mse otw dtg jb nk jumpe aku...
cian kt ko..
xpasal2 dapat cuti free..

klu xcndt luke2 sikit n tinggl parut sikit2 xpe jgk..
nie smpai patah sane sini..
mmg bertmbh la serba slah aku..

ko nie..
kte nk tlg jage aku..
jge la dri ko lek lok..
t klu ko skit..
sape nk jge aku?
sape nk tlg aku psni?

ko jge la dri ko tu lek lok.
aku syg ko..
aku da xde tmpt nk cter prob aku g..
aku de ko je..

aku mntk tlg sgt2..
tlg la jge dri ko lek lok..
jgn jdik cm skrng..
aku sdh gle tgk ko cmnie..
nk mkn ssh..nk pki bju ssh..
sume bnda2 tu jdik ssh sbbnye..ko xcndt mse otw nk dtg jmpe aku...

ko jge dri lek lok auw..
aku doakan ko cpt smbh..


Monday, November 15, 2010

if she d only one..

If a girl cried in front of u
It means that she couldn’t take it anymore

If you take her hand, she would stay with you for d rest of ur life
If u let her go, she couldn’t go back to being herself anymore

A girl wont cry easily, except in front of the person who she love d most,
She becomes weak..

A girl wont cry easily, only when she loves you the most,
She put down her ego..

If a girl cries bcoz of u..
Plz hold her hands firmly, she’s the one who would stay with u for the rest of ur life

If a girl cries bcoz of u..
Plz dun give her up, maybe bcoz of ur decision
You ruin her life..

When she cry rite in front of u...
When she cry bcoz of u...
Look into her eyes, can u see and feel the pain & hurt she’s feeling..?


Which other girl have cried with pure sincerity, in front of you.....and ....bcoz of you..,

She cry not bcoz she is weak, she cry not bcoz she want sympathy or pity..
She cry bcoz crying silently is no longer possible..
The pain, hurt and agony have become too big a burden to be kept inside...
If a girl cry her heart out ..2u...and all bcoz of u..
It’s time to look back on what u’ve done..
Only u will know the answer to it..
Do consider one day...
It may be too late for regrets...
It may be too late to say “im sorry”
You may regret for the rest of ur life

Maybe in ur life...she’s the ONLY one that

Sunday, November 14, 2010

dulu kau yang aku pnh syang..

dlu aku pnh syng kau..

dlu aku pnh cinta kau..

dlu aku pnh admire kau.

dlu aku pnh percaya kau..

dlu aku pnh crita smua mslh aku kt kau..

dlu aku pnh mngis dekat kau..

dlu aku pnh anggap kau teman terbaek ku..

tp skarang..
kau tiada lagi..
kau bukan sesiape buatku..
kau pergi disaat kau diperlukan..
kau pergi mencri penganty..

aku redha..
ko pergi tok mencri yng terbaek..
aku doakan kau yang terbaek tok sglanya..

congrate kamo..

tahniah kamo..
sbb berjaya wat die brubah..

tahniah kamo..
sbb berjaya amik aty die..

tahniah kamo..
sbb dpt keprcyaan die

tahniah kamo..
sbb dpat cinta die..

taniah kamo..
sbb dpt kesayangn die..

tahniah kamo..

tahniah skali lagi..

aku doakan kebahagian kamo berdua..

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

kawan baek...

rinie..ckup 4 thun kwn baik pertama aku mnggal..
bile ingt lek memory aku ngn die..
kadng2 leh wat aku mengis sorng2..

klu la die ade lagi..
msty happy je sntiase..
pape pon.
aku doakan kau..
semoga kau dirahmati disane..

hrinie jugak...
aku da nekad..
aku kne buang pengnty kawan baik aku yng slme nie mndgr sume prob aku..
aku terpakse buang ko diri idop aku..
aku xnk dpt glaran bukan2 agy dri mane2 pompuan..
aku da lth da sume tu...
ko pon taw dlu aku kne mcm mane kan..
n now aku xnk kne bnda yng saem dri awek ko..
so aku kne blah..
even ssh nk bwat,,
tp aku stil kne kuat tok buang ko..
maafkan aku..
thnx 4 beiing my fren yng sllu de ngn aku slame kte kwn 3thun nie..
utk kamo..
aku doakan terbaek untk kamo n die..

Friday, November 5, 2010


hurm..smlm aku hangout with A..
he gave me same advice..
he also told sumthing which is aku xpnh terfikir bnda tu..

A ckap ..
Z pnh suke kat HG dlu..
n now..
both f them bff..
im wondering..
motif ape akram ckp sume nie kt aku..
HG ckp..
bnda tu cte lame..
y should A bangkit kan lek cte tu..
A ckp..
let je Z n HG..
biakan dong ber2..
n i hve to step back..
im totally confius..

i dun mind to step back if that action may gave happiness to Z..
even thou i do LOVE Z so much..
but i hope A will more uderstnd Z..

If u r happy now..
even thou HG is ur bff..
n if u felt happy coz im not around dstrbng u..
i will step back now..
i will do 4 ur happiness..

if u found sum1 else tht more understnd u..
could u plis..
let me know..
then i will disapear mysef from ur life..
i wont disturb u nymre..

allow me to keep all the memories tht we have together as fren n as couple..
allow me to keep my heart jus 4 u..
thn i won't ask anything anymore...