Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
14thun berlalu
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
love is chinta
You cheated once
And I let it go
You cheated twice
And I forgave you
I forgave you
But it's been difficult to forget
I moved on
But I still think about it
You cheated on me again
And I let it go
Then you cheated another time
And now I'm completely broken
I was hurt the first time
And the second
But when it started to occur more
I've been falling to the floor
How can I trust you
After what you did to me?
How can I move on
When there's nothing left of me?
You're a cheater
And you'll never change
I've always been a believer
But now my pain is turning me into ashes.
it is me..
this is me,
this is the way i want to be.
there's nothing else i can say.
i appreciate every little thing that you do.
i never regret to know you,
maybe times will change everything.
i can't be someone who calm everyone's heart.
i am not perfect but i learn .
i never take any serious what you have been,
because i know, you have a second chance .
day and night,
will proves everything.
before i sleep, i pray.
i pray that there's no other place i can stay,
i pray, when i wake up i breath free .
i wonder why a good people get a bad punishment,
while , a bad will get a good.
and why and why.
i am a person ; straight and moron.
maybe, i might not be that pretty but i'm happy.
i am not a girl who can enjoy her life day and night.
i'm not rich , i don't have a big house with a big family,
a big car and a big purse with a millions of money.
i am not, but i'm happy .
i only have a warm heart and a smile that can share to everyone .
this words only a warm heart will know .